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Tony Wong


Tony and Esther Wong serve in the International Mission Board (IMB), Southern Baptist Convention since 2004 as Cluster Leader, Global Ambassador and currently as Chinese Global Advance Team Leader of the APAC affinity.  They support strategic directions of all IMB personnel in the Asia Pacific affinity and training national partners to reach the 2.3 billions peoples with 1,078 UPGs in the Asia Pacific regions.


They have 4 children.  Tony was a former computer software engineer, Senior Pastor of Southern Oklahoma Chinese Baptist Church, with Master of Divinity graduate from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas, USA.


黃恩牧師和師母現任美南浸信會差會全球海外華人宣教顾问。他們裝備所有的美南差會海外美南同工和各地華人同工,並教導他們如何得著全球超過7千萬海外華人的靈魂。 黃恩牧師和師母有四個孩子,牧師曾是電腦工程師,也曾是奧南華人浸信會的主任牧師,擁有美國德州沃斯堡西南神學院的神學碩士學歷。

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