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Nate Carroll

CCCGJ of Mississippi


Nate Carroll has been a Christian Minister for thirty-two years and in that time has served multiple churches and Christian schools as pastor, youth pastor, school administrator, teacher, missionary and more. In all that time, it has been his joy to serve his King and the King's people. Nate currently serves as the English Pastor/ Associate Pastor of Chinese Christian Church of Greater Jackson located in Mississippi since 2019.

内特-卡罗尔(Nate Carroll)担任基督教牧师已有 32 年,在此期间,他曾在多个教会和基督教学校担任牧师、青年牧师、学校行政人员、教师、传教士等职。在此期间,他一直以侍奉他的王和王的子民为乐。内特目前担任密西西比州大杰克逊华人基督教会的英文牧师/副牧师,任期自 2019 年开始。

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