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2023 Conference Videos
2023 Pioneers Conference:
Video Playlist
2023 Pioneers Conference
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Pioneers 2023 Keynote 1: The Pure Gospel 纯正的福音 - Pastor Oleg Xu 徐英牧師
Purity - 纯正的福音 真福音排斥假福音: 了解神的圣洁和人的罪性将有助于基督徒领会福音信息的纯洁性。当我们生活在种族、文化和宗教多样化的城市时,信徒掌握福音信息的内容和背景是至关重要的。 True Gospel Repels False Gospel: Understanding the holiness of God and the sinfulness of man will help a Christian in appreciating the purity of the gospel message. It is crucial for a believer to grasp the content and the context of the gospel message as we live in ethnically, culturally, and religiously diverse cities.
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Pioneers 2023 Keynote 2: The Powerful Gospel 大能的福音 - Pastor Oleg Xu 徐英牧師
Powerful - 大能的福音 真正的福音使人改变: 恶者攻击听众对福音呼唤的反应。基督徒必须明白对福音信息的简单回应,那就是相信主耶稣基督而得救,并永远得到保障 True Gospel Transforms: The evil one attacks the response of the listener to the gospel call. A Christian must understand a simple response to the gospel message, which is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved and to be secured forever.
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Pioneers 2023 Keynote 3: The Indestructible Gospel 坚不可摧的福音 - Pastor Oleg Xu 徐英牧师
Indestructible 坚不可摧的福音 坚不可摧: 了解福音的纯洁性和大能,将给予基督徒在这世上获得永生的保证,并在之后获得复活的生命。坚不可摧的福音给予我们对未来荣耀的希望,并有信心在今天和每天与任何愿意倾听的人大胆地分享这好消息。 Indestructible: Knowing the purity and power of the gospel will grant a Christian assurance of eternal life here and a resurrection life beyond. The indestructible gospel grants us hope for future glory and confidence to share it boldly today and everyday with anyone who would listen.
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Pioneers 2023 Sunday Message: The Unchanging Gospel 不變的福音 - Pastor John Yang 楊建牧師
Speaker: Pastor John Yang
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Pioneers 2023 Workshop: The Gospel and the World 《福音与世界:乱世中的方舟》- 傅凯彬牧师
《福音与世界:乱世中的方舟》- 傅凯彬牧师 在面对普遍的社会议题时,例如同性恋、堕胎、婚前性行为、滥交、成瘾等等。我们应该如何在教会中讨论社会问题,而不是忽视或回避这些话题?这些问题与教会有关吗?我们如何以圣经教导的方式而不是以論斷的方式来处理这些问题并且帮助有需要的人或家庭? When confronted with universal social issues such as homosexuality, abortion, premarital sex, promiscuity, addiction, etc. How should we discuss social issues in the church instead of ignoring or avoiding these topics? Are these issues relevant to the church? How can we address these issues and help people or families in need in a way that is biblically rather than judgmental?
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Pioneers 2023 Workshop: The Gospel and Life
《福音與生命:曠野中的緘默》- 鄭懷平長老 教会與我們的屬靈生命在旷野中時真正需要什么?除了祷告,我们應該如何面对教会的冲突、领袖的失败,以及其他事工的负面批評與问题?神真的有在我們中間嗎?祂为什么沉默不语? What do the church and our spiritual life really need in the wilderness? Besides prayer, how do we face conflicts in the church, failures in leadership, and negative critics and issues in ministries? Is God really with us and why is He silent?
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Pioneers 2023 Workshop: The Gospel and the Generation Gap
《福音与代沟:基督徒下一代的信仰危机与对策》- 时尽书牧师 北美华人教会正面临下一代信仰危机的问题。由于年龄差距、语言和文化差异,我们的下一代正逐渐被世界所带离教会。门徒训练和属灵培育如何有助于弥合与下一代的代沟?是教会还是父母应该对孩子的灵性成长负责? The Chinese Heritage Churches in North America are facing a crisis of faith in the next generation. Due to age gaps, language, and cultural differences, the next generation is gradually being taken away from the church by the world. How can discipleship and spiritual formation help bridge the generation gap with the next generation? Is it the church or the parents who should be responsible for the spiritual growth of their children?
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Pioneers 2023 Workshop: Conflict Resolution in Ministry
我们和好吧 冲突无处不在,它象我们呼吸的空气,弥漫在我们的生活中。冲突影响着我们的婚姻、家庭、教会、邻舍和工作 的关系。冲突常使我们气馁,伤心、愤怒、绝望乃至撕裂。当冲突来临,你有别的选择吗?你可以拥抱冲突吗? 我们希望,在各种群体中有创意地解决冲突,营造一个使人和睦的文化。我们希望,看到福音能带给我们各种关系的里外更新:在家庭,在教会,在社区,在宣教士团队里, 在各种事工中等等。
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